Full Sail University

Celebrating 5 Years of the Dan Patrick School of Sportscasting

Full Sail大学的体育广播学士课程为学生在体育广播和广播电视领域的职业生涯做了5年的准备.

体育广播员丹·帕特里克站在新闻台前,与Full Sail大学丹·帕特里克体育广播室的两名学生交谈.

Full Sail University recently celebrated a half-decade of real-world experience, growth in sports media, 以及丹·帕特里克体育广播学院五周年的毕业典礼. Developed in collaboration with sportscasting veteran Dan Patrick, 体育广播学士学位为学生提供了在镜头和幕后的体育广播和广播新闻世界的实践经验.

“这是我在这个行业中完成的最自豪的事情,因为它改变了人们的生活,” says Dan Patrick. “That ability to be able to see somebody start a program, learn from people who've been in the business, understand the highs and lows. The growth that you see, that's rewarding.”

在屡获殊荣的教师的支持下,与一些体育转播领域的知名人士建立了合作关系, the program has continued to grow since the first class launched.


行业合作伙伴关系是该计划成功的组成部分,为学生提供了在毕业前获得各自领域经验的机会,以及与行业专业人士联系和学习的机会. Full Sail’s partnerships with the likes of Boombah Sports Complex, the United States Tennis Association, Rollins College, Daytona 500, the NFL Pro Bowl, and Fox Sports all unlock unique opportunities for students in the program.

Through the Rollins College partnership, Full Sail的学生们通过打电话给学院所有的主场体育赛事,为罗林斯体育部门发声, giving them valuable experience casting for a variety of sports including baseball, basketball, lacrosse, soccer, and more.

“These relationships allow our students to get real-world experiences,” says Program Director Gus Ramsey. “For as much time as they spend in the classroom, 将其付诸实践,就像他们将在行业中经历的环境一样,也同样有价值.”

学生们还能够通过在福克斯体育NFL比赛中担任跑步者的机会,以及参与体育运动的机会,深入了解他们所在的行业 Pop Warner Super Bowl bracket show.

“我们有优秀的合作伙伴,他们看到我们在做什么,并为这些学生提供机会, I can't thank them enough,’ says Dan Patrick. “Everybody wants to be on TV, or be a play-by-play voice. 好吧,我们可以让你上镜头,我们可以给你机会做详细报道. So you get an opportunity to do those things, and better yourself.”

Faculty & Staff

在Full Sail提升学习水平的一部分是教职员工带入课堂的行业经验,体育广播学士og体育也不例外. “My faculty and I have 300+ years of industry experience,” boasts Gus. “我们有在国家和地方层面的镜头前工作过的人. The same is true for people with experience behind the scenes. That enables us to tell the students exactly what the industry will demand of them, how to handle those demands, 并以一种方式指导他们,让他们很好地理解一旦开始工作,每天的期望是什么.”

In the five years since the program’s launch, 格斯和他的教师们已经能够与他们的网络合作,为项目中的学生带来令人难以置信的客座讲座. Pivoting during the pandemic, 丹·帕特里克体育广播学院深入研究了这些关系,并举办了一系列大师班,邀请了行业巨头,包括 SportsCenter’s Scott Van Pelt, ESPN’s Jay Harris, NBC Sports' Mike Tirico, and more. Through this series, 在虚拟教室里,学生们能够获得洞察力,并向一些业内知名人士提出问题.

“I think we'll look back on the pandemic and how we handled it, whether it was for online students or on campus, as a pivotal point in the growth of this program,” says Dan Patrick. “Gus Ramsey brought in people from the industry. 你可以看他们谈论这个行业,但不必和他们在一起.”

Dan attributes much of the program’s success to the commitment of the faculty, saying, “When I went to college, you're in a big classroom. There was no one-on-one. [At Full Sail] our job is to connect with you. To make you better. To make you understand this business. And having faculty that understands that, that makes us different than everybody else.”

Graduate Success

“丹和我将永远感激第一批校园和在线课程对我们的信任,” says Gus. “他们知道,当我们试图从头开始构建一个项目时,他们将成为某种程度上的小白鼠.” From the first graduating class in the fall of 2019 to the most recent graduates, 最初的小白鼠阶段是值得的,因为这个项目已经见证了毕业生们在体育转播行业取得了伟大的成就.

The first graduate to be hired out of the program, Taylor Schaub毕业一周后,他就在加州贝克斯菲尔德被聘为新闻记者. He has since gone on to cover the Super Bowl and the MLB All-Star Game. But Taylor is just one graduate making waves in the industry. 其他体育广播专业的毕业生都在ESPN等组织和网络工作, NBC, WWE, and more.

“说你要从零开始建立一个og体育,让人们在我们的行业中取得成功是一回事. It’s another to see it happen,” says Gus. “无论是20岁或21岁的高中毕业生,还是30多岁和40多岁的人,他们来到我们这里,希望追求他们很久以前就开始的梦想. Seeing those people get jobs and start to live their dream is incredible.”


丹·帕特里克体育广播学院也为对该行业另一个分支感兴趣的学生提供了机会, casting for esports. In collaboration with Full Sail’s collegiate esports organization, Full Sail Armada, 体育广播学士学位的学生已经能够在大大小小的赛事中获得经验, 为无敌舰队大学比赛以及与组织的合作活动,包括 Special Olympics and XP League.

“Casters are the backbone of esports broadcasts and events. 当一个施法者既有深入的游戏知识,又有精良的镜头训练, it really elevates the entire experience,” says Full Sail Director of Esports and Project Development Sari Kitelyn. “Full Sail的学生有机会通过铸造各种各样的电子竞技体验,从大学比赛到在奥兰多健康堡垒举办的大型客户活动.”

Graduate success also extends to esports with grads like Landon “LandO” Sanders, a prominent caster for Activision’s Call of Duty League, and Bryan “Bryonic” Flores, who was recently named as a finalist for collegiate caster of the year.

“In esports, every game is its own sport, 所以你有很多机会可以找到一款自己感兴趣的游戏,并全身心投入其中,尤其是随着电子竞技在过去几年的发展,” says Full Sail Director of Esports Growth and Development Bennett Newsome. “The industry that supports esports has grown massively as well, providing many jobs and opportunities for students and graduates.”

In just five years, 该项目已经发展壮大,包括丰富的校园和在线活动,以及培养准备好开始工作的毕业生的声誉. “The approach that I take in my job, every single day is the Super Bowl,” says Dan. “That's my motto. And our feeling here on campus, whether dealing with the students here or online, every day is the Super Bowl. Make it great. Make a difference.”

了解更多关于Full Sail大学丹·帕特里克体育广播学院的信息 here.